What is the drop in the Bucket Service
Bucket Service 🪣
We supply you with a poop squad Bucket and lid
On the days you walk Lillie and George and they drop their doos...you collect it and drop it in the bucket!
If you like to pickup your dog's doo on a daily basis but don't want to have us service everyday drop it in the Bucket.
Most people whether we Service you or you are a self server the Bucket 🪣 is a way to collect the waste and we will come out on your service day to empty, remove, sanitize, and replace your bags so it is ready again for you to drop in the Bucket.
We will furnish each customer with a Bucket when you sign up.
We will maintain your Bucket on a weekly service route .
You may still get poop Scooping Services and have a Bucket.
Keeping our environment and yard healthy so Lilly and George can play safely is our goal at the Poop Squad.
Drop in the Bucket Service ♡ $15.00 weekly service 🪣
Startup fee $29.00 (one time)
