Pets, Dogs, Cats - Houston
Pets, Dogs, Cats - Houston
Keep Your Cat's Environment Healthy
"The Poop Squad" also has a soft spot for felines. Not only are we experts at Dog Waste Removal, but we know how to clean up after cats too. Let us make regularly scheduled visits to your home or location and clean your cat's litter box for you. Cat litter box maintenance can become hassle-free with the help of our staff.
Cat Litter and Pregnancy
Pregnant? Suppressed immune system? The Poop Squad discourages you from changing the litter box.
Cats pick up the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis by eating infected animals or raw meat, or sometimes even swallowing the infected stage of the parasite from the environment. Help protect kitty by sticking to cat food instead of table scraps or letting her hunt in the wild.
Sometimes, the parasite finds its way to the cat's feces. The Poop Squad would like to point out that it takes several days for the parasite to become infected, so cleaning out the litter box every day can practically erase the risk of infection in the first place.
While toxoplasmosis is relatively harmless for healthy cats or human adults, it can be downright dangerous for an unborn baby. So if you're pregnant, The Poop Squad recommends you recruit us to tackle the littler box duty.
The good news? Petting kitty, playing with her, feeding her and even brushing her shouldn't place you at risk during your pregnancy. In fact, most people contract toxoplasmosis not from contact with cats, but from eating under cooked meat like hamburgers (order your well done!).
Want to see if you (or kitty) has been exposed? Ask your doctor and veterinarian for a blood test. For maximum peace of mind, call us and we'll clean it for you. 713-502-7175
How it Works:
For a small fee "The Poop Squad" will come to your home, empty and clean your dirty litter box(es), and refill them with the fresh litter you provide.
We never step foot in your house unless other arrangements have been made. There is no need to be home when the service call is made.
Option 1. Standard Package - We will scrub, clean, and sanitize your dirty litter box(es) and refill it with the litter you provide.. Clients usually like weekly service, but you can choose more or less, depending on your needs. You place the litter box(es) outside for cleaning on your day of service, and we take care of the rest.
Standard Service Fees:
Standard Service Fees:
Standard Package * Intial Start up fee applied to first bill $29.00
1 Cat Box
Once a week | $20.00 per service | MONTHLY/$ 80.00 |
Twice a week | $35.00 per week | MONTHLY/$ 120.00 |
(every 2 weeks) | $35.00 per service day | $70.00 per a month |
Once a Month | $43.00 |
*Add $5.00 for each additional Cat Box per service/*Add $3.00 per each additional cat per service